B2B Knowledge Sharing Platform

With more than 300,000 expert-level talent pool and international approach, ProMatrix & Co. launched Expert Network Service providing accurate and efficient knowledge sharing services for financial institutions, consulting firms, global enterprises, government organizations and HNWI clients.


Consulting Firms/Financial Services Company/Public Offering of Funds/Private Equity Firms/Hedge Funds/Government Organizations/Global Enterprises/High-net-worth Individuals


Finance/Industrial/Real Estate/Consulting/FMCG/Healthcare/Energy/Chemical/IT/Internet/


Phone/F2F Interviews / On-site Consultancy / Road Show / Online Conference / Round table/Summit

Compliance Management

ProMatrix & Co. strictly complies with the regulatory standards. We devoted immense resources to create robust and professional compliance management to implement the comprehensive risk management standards. Confidentiality agreement is essential between ProMatrix, Experts and our clients.
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